Exercise can protect those at high risk of Alzheimer’s

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2020

In a study of individuals who carried a high-risk gene for Alzheimer’s disease, researchers found that those who exercised showed greater brain activity in memory-related regions than those who were sedentary. Exercising may help to protect them against cognitive decline.

For those at high risk for Alzheimer’s, this study adds to the evidence that lifestyle choices may slow down the damaging effects of the disease. Exercise may build up the cognitive reserve in the brain, allowing people with the risk of Alzheimer’s to remain at a higher level of functioning for a longer time.

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Which costs more, live-in home care or assisted living? Count the true cost.

By Dr. Cheryl Mathieu Ph.D.

I got a frantic call from “Anne”, she was deeply concerned about her 92 year old father. “Alan” has been living at home alone, and he fell and asked for help. She took him to Urgent Care and nothing was broken, so they went home relieved. Although he could hobble around, he could not easily get food for himself. Anne was really worried about him falling again and getting seriously injured. I discussed care options with Anne to keep him safe, including hiring a caregiver to live with him or moving to an assisted living.

When she heard that full-time live-in care may cost $15,000 a month, she said he couldn’t afford it. Anne wasn’t in a situation where she could provide care herself, but she didn’t think he would be willing to move to assisted living. In the US the average cost for a private room in a specialty assisted living community is $3,670 per month. This was affordable for Alan, but would he be worse off...

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Sure signs you are a caregiver?

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2016

What is Caregiving?

Nobody applies for this job. Most try to deny the possibility they might be called upon to help, or that their loved one might be anything less than independent. Sooner or later, though, something occurs, and it will be looming in front of you.

The term “caregiver” refers to anyone who provides assistance to someone else who needs help. Specifically, we are generally referring to “informal” caregivers – those unpaid individuals providing assistance to someone who is chronically ill or disabled and who can no longer care effectively for himself or herself. This form of care delays or even helps avoid institutional placement or the need for more “formal” or paid caregiving services. Caregivers can be spouses, partners, adult children, relatives or friends. Together, they provide services valued at more than $257 billion a year. Family, or informal caregiving, is the backbone of the long-term care system in the United...

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5 Tips for Visiting the Doctor

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2016

5 Tips for Visiting the Doctor

Preparation can help the trip to the doctor go more smoothly.  Here are some tips for success:
1.    Schedule the appointment at the best time of day for your client.  For example, the client I work with functions better in the afternoon.  There were times when we had to reschedule morning appointments for the afternoon because she didn’t want to get up, and therefore she wouldn’t cooperate with me.

2.    Ask the doctors office staff when their office is generally the least crowded.  Some clients may be upset by a full waiting room, or they just might not like crowds.  Visiting the office when there are fewer people will cut down on the time you will have to wait too.

3.    Bring along something for your client to eat, drink or do while you are waiting.  Any activity he or she enjoys can really help to pass the time.

4.    Have a friend go with you to...

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Does Dad Have Alzheimer’s? How to know the signs – and what to do next.

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2016

Click here to view my post on Maria Shriver’s Women’s Conference blog website.

Lots of other great information and inspiration on this site!

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5 Minutes For Me! Awareness

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2016

Today is about nurturing yourself while you’re doing regular activities.

For example, how about enjoying a shower meditation? While you’re showering, take the time to feel the water on your skin, and imagine it washing away the stress of the day.

While you are eating, bring your awareness to the taste of the food in your mouth.  Allow yourself to appreciate you nurturing yourself with healthy food to keep your body vital and healthy.

While you’re walking today, feel your feet touching the ground.  Imagine that every step you take is on sacred ground and that the earth is supporting you.  Bring your awareness to the flowers along your path, and appreciate who made them.

Bring your awareness to your breath.  Take deep, cleansing breaths and feel your lungs expanding and oxygenating your cells. When you breathe out, exhale stress and judgment, and inhale loving and calm.

Take everyday activities and bring your awareness to them in a fresh, new way...

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