Dr. Cheryl is nominee for Alzheimer’s Association “Visionary Women and Compassionate Caregiver” award

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2020

I was honored to attend the celebratory luncheon for the Alzheimer’s Association (Orange County) “Visionary Women and Compassionate Caregiver” award. I was lucky enough to be nominated this year. The luncheon honors individuals who have served as models of commitment to compassionate care.

I felt so blessed to be there, with (mostly) women who are involved at some level with caring for those with Alzheimer’s. Each person I spoke with had their personal story of how this disease has affected them in some way. Some caregivers were children or spouses, some were professionals in the field. Some of their loved ones have already passed away, others are still living with the disease.

Alzheimer’s was the common thread at this luncheon. We all knew the storyline, quite personal yet familiar. We all knew that we could never really explain to another how this disease impacted us, nor could we convey all the stories we hold in our hearts – the struggles, the blessings, the comical events, the tears and the laughter. The stories may slowly emerge for us, yet all the details will truly only be our own. We simply honor each other, in a knowing of what this disease can bring forward, and in a gratitude that we have each other to lean on, to learn from and to celebrate with.

Blessings to all the caregivers out there.

I’d love to hear your stories, if you care to share.


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